
Five Cents Plain: A Serving of Nostalgia from the Lower East Side


December 2021 / It was 1959 and Nat King, Roland Wallace and I had just won Boys’ Club of New York Blue Jackets, satin symbols of years-long battles in the trenches of the Lower East Side against other, equally ambitious 15-year-olds, especially the very tough Jewish kids from the Boy’s Brotherhood Republic. Along with the jackets came an evening with one-time welterweight boxing champion, Barney...

In the Belly of the Beast


September 2018 / We are all so guilty at the way we have allowed the world around us to become more ugly and tasteless every year that we surrender to terror and steep ourselves in it. — Norman Mailer If I may be permitted to comment on national politics later in this piece, it’s because the real relevancy of it will become clearer as we plunge further into unchartered waters toward the...



October 2017 / The new landed gentry are those who manufacture money, who have access to massive amounts of capital. — Ayad Akhtar in “JUNK” I want to begin this piece by looking back to near the end of the nineteenth century when Parisians, more specifically a French newspaper, organized a 78 mile road race from Paris to the city of Rouen. The purpose of the exercise was to determine...

Ron Spurga, United Metro Energy Corporation

Best-selling financial author, Wall Street investment banker, social commentator, award-winning poet, energy consultant, off-Broadway producer, and community organizer in Robert Kennedy’s presidential campaign, Ron Spurga is the ultimate Renaissance Man.

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